Author: Daniel Samper Pizano

Horror of Horrors

English + Español
The keychain he gave me was a bit odd with its two decorations: the dried tail of a rabbit or some other creature and a plastic heart that read, “I Love NY.” I took the keys, thanked him for his generosity (especially considering that he thought the imminent threat of the…

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English + Español
Spain’s history is not written in ink, but in bull’s blood. The shadow of the black beast with sharpened horns has spread over the Iberian peninsula for thousands of years and extended to…

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Algunas Películas

¿Mi película favorita del cine español? Dos: “La escopeta nacional”, de Luis García Berlanga, un delicioso y divertido fresco de personajes representativos de la España tardo-fraquista, estrenada en 1977. Franco había muerto dos años antes. Y “Volver” (2006), de Pedro Almodóvar…

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