Category: Focus on the Amazons

Oil and Indigenous Communities

On a drizzly morning in late February, a boat full of silent Kukama men motored slowly into the flooded forest off the Marañón River in northern Peru. Cutting the…

In the Shadows of the Extractive Industry

English + Español
A telltale detail gave away the changing way of life for the indigenous Machiguenga women living around Peru’s most important gas project in the…

Forests for Energy?

In 2008, I was conducting fieldwork on the edges of a recently established large-scale oil palm plantation: Palmas del Shanusi. My investigations took me to…

Beyond Dinosaurs and Oil Spills

Ecuadoran writer Jaime Galarza’s scathing critique of international oil giants and pliant governments in Latin America in his widely read book, El Festin del…

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