Country: Nicaragua

Afro-Latin American Studies: An Introduction

In the ongoing process of exploring, making and re-making the modern world, some stake flags, others publish books—both being political constructions and assertions as part of larger institutional projects. Such is the case with Alejandro de la Fuente and George Reid Andrews’ edited volume Afro-Latin American Studies: An Introduction. With contributions from nearly two dozen historians, anthropologists, sociologists, ethnomusicologists and literary scholars…

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The artistry of the Güegüence

English + Español
El Güegüence has accompanied me for years, first as the colorful childhood memory of a folklore presentation I saw in Nicaragua in the 1980s, before I left the country, and then, years later, as one of my preferred research topics as I pursued my doctorate in Romance…

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English + Español
Afterglow: Nicaragua, they tricked your children, or perhaps you tricked them yourself. You felt content and abundant in your foreign elite, in the whiteness of your ruling class…

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