Author: James Ito-Adler

A Review of The Making of Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Paulo Freire’s Approach to Literacy, Training and Adult Education

This slim, but substantive, volume is a welcome addition to the immense body of literature that traces the genesis and development of Paulo Freire’s approach to education. The Making of Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Paulo Freire’s Approach to Literacy, Training and Adult Education, volume 2, focuses on the specific period from November 1964 to April 1969, when Freire was in political exile from Brazil and resident in Chile. The book commemorates the 50th anniversary of the publication of Pedagogy of the Oppressed (2020) and the birth centennial of Paulo Freire (2021).

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Have You Ever Viu Na Vida?: A Peace Corps Experience in Brazil

In the very late sixties, as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Brazil, I scribbled a small poem in a travel delirium brought on by a heady combination of hunger and strong spirits—cachaça, to be precise—on a long bus ride between Recife and Rio de Janeiro. We PCVs in Brazil were poorly paid in those days and I had precious little money to spare on this trip. The Itapemirim bus stopped every so often for refueling and I basically ate bread …

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