Category: Corporate Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility in Latin America

Effective involvement in social issues is essential to business, both in the United States and Latin America. In recent years, most-although certainly not everyone-increasingly agree that business …

Social Enterprise Knowledge Network

When you think of how to improve the lives of the poor in Latin America, you might first think of food, education, and health. However, one of the most pressing needs–even if not as obvious–is …

Philanthropy In Mexico

Philanthropy. It is defined in the New Expanded Webster’s Dictionary as the love of man or of mankind; benevolence towards the whole human family. And a philanthropist one who exerts himself …

Corporate Philanthropy

Is it the government or the philanthropist that should lead the way in combating poverty? It’s an old debate, with special relevance for today’s Latin America. In his Memoir on Pauperism (1835) …

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