Comings and Goings: Austin Awarded for Research on the Nonprofit Sector

by | Dec 17, 2002

James Austin of the Harvard Business School’s Initiative on Social Enterprise was awarded one of The Virginia A. Hodgkinson Research Prizes for 2001 for his book The Collaboration Challenge: How Nonprofits and Businesses Succeed Through Strategic Alliances at the Independent Sector’s annual meeting in Atlanta in November 6. The prize recognizes outstanding published research that furthers understanding of philanthropy, voluntary action, nonprofits, and civil society in the United States and abroad. The Prize Selection Committee is comprised of five senior academic researchers and practitioners and is chaired by Howard Tuckman, Dean of the Business School at Rutgers University. The prize is named in honor of Virginia Ann Hodgkinson, who is renowned worldwide as a driving force behind the development of research on the nonprofit sector and voluntary action.

Winter 2002Volume I, Number 2

James Austin is the John G. McLean Professor of Business Administration and a member of the DRCLAS Executive Committee.

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