aerial view of the Amazon river


Winter 2015 | Volume XIV, Number 2

Table of Contents

Editor’s Letter →

by June Carolyn Erlick

First Take

First Take: Waste

First Take: Waste

Waste—its generation, collection and disposal—is a major global challenge in the 21st century. Cities are responsible for managing municipal waste. Solid…


Recycle the Classics

Recycle the Classics

Literature is recycled material, a pretext for making more art. I learned this distillation of lots of literary criticism in workshops with children. I also learned…

A Recycling (of) Tradition

A Recycling (of) Tradition

At first glance, the indigenous women—known as cholitas—looked like all the others who dance in the festive parades that regularly weave through the…

Recycling Lives

Recycling Livelihoods

Recycling Livelihoods

Recycling Livelihoods A Global Network Supports Waste Pickers in Latin America   Standing for long hours in line to receive your first paycheck may sound pretty stressful. However, for recyclers in Bogotá, their first paycheck was a huge victory after more than...

Ciudad Saludable

Ciudad Saludable

I had the privilege of being born in the jungle of Peru to campesino parents. They were people of infinite wisdom from whom I learned many things in my life…

The Sound of Garbage

The Sound of Garbage

English + Español
The recyclers in Cateura, Asunción’s municipal garbage dump, live from the trash and, in many cases, among the trash. The fetid odor carried along by the…

The Art of Trash

Burning Messages

Burning Messages

A bomb exploded at the entryway to artist Antonio Berni’s home and studio in Buenos Aires early one morning in 1972. Fortunately no one was injured: the…

Trash Moves

Trash Moves

Trash moves, all the time. It becomes a steadily growing heap of clutter behind closed walls, accumulates and festers under tight lids, travels from a small trash…

A Present from the Sea

A Present from the Sea

From the center of the Puerto Rican Cordillera Central’s green backbone, one can see the clear blue line of the horizon. Being on an island, we live, breathe…

Daniel Lind-Ramos

Daniel Lind-Ramos

The accomplished African-Puerto Rican artist Daniel Lind-Ramos paints on canvas with oil, brushes, and spatulas, meticulously blending colors, layering…

Beautiful Trash

Beautiful Trash

t’s the night before collection day. The trashcan is full of rancid food mixed with wilted waste and rotten flowers. Pull the red string fast, tie a knot, and put in a…

Confronting Waste

Buenos Aires, Wasteland

Buenos Aires, Wasteland

English + Español
Walking down Avenida Juan de Garay last week, I passed a giant black trash bag that had ballooned and burst. Orange peels, tomatoes, candy wrappers…

Zero Waste in Punta Cana

Zero Waste in Punta Cana

I never imagined that my job at a leading Dominican resort would be so dirty—at least not at the beginning. I spent my first months as environmental director of…

Transforming Values

Transforming Values

Mounds of garbage amassed on street corners, in front of houses. Bags splayed open, spilling onto the sidewalks, filling the city with stench. For three days…

Trash in the Water

Trash in the Water

The Guna or Kuna, an indigenous people of Panama, suffer from the same waste problems as the rest of the world, with the added complications caused by life…

Book Talk

Cosmopolitan Desires

Cosmopolitan Desires

In January 2015, shortly after terrorist attacks in Paris, the slogan “Je suis Charlie” began to circulate on Twitter and to appear on demonstrators’ signs in Paris and…

Building Bridges 

We Make Things Happen

We Make Things Happen

The David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS) celebrated its 20th anniversary in May 2014 during the annual meeting in Cambridge of the…

to the