Violence Against Women in Brazil: Public Policy and its Implementation in Rural Areas
English + Português
Eight o’clock in the evening—it’s time to gather and watch the national news program in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
English + Português
Eight o’clock in the evening—it’s time to gather and watch the national news program in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
English + Português
Este segundo turno da eleição 2022 no Brasil é um embate histórico entre visões de mundo. Entre concepções de vida e seus sistemas de valores. Você vai eleger (etimologia: escolher) em que mundo seria concebível viver.
Brazil is different. Brazil is huge. Brazil is colorful. Brazil is magic. In Brazil, the people speak Portuguese instead of Spanish.
Prior to arriving in the boston area almost five years ago, I had heard anecdotally that a significant Brazilian immigrant population had been arriving en masse to the region since…
I remember walking into the room for my last interview for the scholarship from Fundação Estudar. As soon as the other five candidates and I found our assigned seats, we realized that our…
I have traveled a lot in recent months, from Phoenix and Salt Lake City to Budapest and Amsterdam. I even purchased a world map, one of those for putting up on your wall…
You are probably familiar by now with the famous “Brazilian AIDS Miracle.” A strong, highly centralized AIDS bureaucracy, the incorporation of a well organized civic movement and strong…
One Brazilian mother was embarrassed because her children were thin. She thought family and neighbors would think she could not provide enough food for her children…
Less than three weeks into my year-long fellowship in Brazil, I wrote in my journal one morning: “The violence is intimidating and saddening… it’s quite debilitating and last night it led to a feeling…
Brazilian babies are getting more of a chance to grow up these days. Older folk are living longer. Between 1998 and 2004, life expectancy for newborns was extended 3.7 years in Brazil. Men and…
In May 2006, a group known as the First Command of the Capital (the Primeiro Comando da Capital, or PCC from its initials in Portuguese) launched an organized campaign of revolts in…
Worldwide, the black population in Brazil is second only to that in Nigeria. Brazil’s black citizens account for the largest number of people of the African Diaspora in the Americas…
Social entrepreneurs are mingling these days with prime ministers, kings, gazillionaires and executives. In his January 30 column in the New York Times on the most recent World…
Although Brazil remains one of the world’s most unequal countries, new research shows that the period between 1993 and 2004 (which saw the restoration of macroeconomic stability, and a…
Gente que faz a paz is a project that takes individuals from all sectors—students, janitors, community leaders, and church members—and teaches them that peace can be taught and…
The definition of Brazil as a racial democracy has been contested for decades. Yet, few people would predict that by 2007 more than thirty Brazilian public universities—the most prestigious in…
Since the 1994 founding of the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS), we’ve been able to observe an interesting (yet unsurprising!) phenomenon: the student who…
Portuguese language programs are thriving in virtually all U.S. universities, and Harvard is no exception. According to a 2004 report by the Modern Language Association of America…
A Drop in the Ocean (ADITO), a Harvard-student-run nonprofit organization, strives to lift the world’s most disadvantaged people out of poverty through its work with grassroots microfinance…
A few minutes before eight, Marquinho runs across the dusty square to invite us to his newly-built house for the evening television novela. But we have already been invited by several other…