Category: Thinking on Development

The Overlapping Geographies of Resource Extraction

On May 23, 2013, Vice President Alvaro García Linera announced that Bolivia would promote drilling for hydrocarbons inside protected areas. His statement projected the image of a sovereign, ecologically modernizing…

Mining and Economic Development in Peru

Over the last decade, Peru has become one of the most successful economic performers in the developing world, registering average growth rates above 6 percent a year. The resurgence of mining, at a time of high metal prices…

Making Way for Mines

Imagine that you have to move. Imagine that you must pack all of your belongings and memories and move six miles down the road. Your town will be swallowed up to make way for an open pit copper mine. The mountain you’ve looked at all…

The Journalist in an Open Pit Mine

Some acquaintances asked me a few days ago if I missed journalism. Without hesitation, I answered yes: journalism had provided me with the tremendous privilege and opportunities for my work to be heard, seen or read, and this can turn into…

The Mining Boom in Colombia

English + Español Back in the 1930s, the famed tango composer Carlos Gardel warned us in a lovely musical arrabal that “twenty years is nothing….” But in the area of mineral and mining, the tune is somewhat different. For more than twenty years, until

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