Category: Civil Society and Collective Memory

Hurricanes, Society, and the Culture of Citizenship

Today’s discussion is on “Hurricanes, Society and the Culture of Citizenship.” In addition to physical destruction and the loss of human lives, hurricanes leave their imprint on nature, society, its way…

Remembering Armero

Dreadful images bind Colombians together. It doesn´t matter if you are rich or poor; from the coast or from the Andean highlands; if you side with the left or with the right, the one thing…

Pinochet: General Earthquake

English + Español
Chile experienced two earthquakes on September 11, 1973. In this highly seismic country, earthquakes form a part of the daily lives of its inhabitants in certain regions. Only a few of the…

Urban Poverty, Disasters, and Local Government

English + Español
Sara Gutiérrez, a single mother and the only source of support for her four children, approached me and my two companions when I was running for mayor of San Salvador. “All of you…

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