Category: The Children

Editor’s Letter: The Children

A blue whale spurts water joyfully into an Andean sky on my office door. A rainbow glitters among a feast of animals and palm trees. Geometrical lightning tosses tiny houses into the air with the force of a tropical hurricane.


Cuando Pedro Pirir, fue despedido del taller mecánico donde trabajaba desde hacía muchos años, experimentó una sensación de injusticia y pena que luego se transformó en una voluntad…

Where the Patient Still Thinks…

Like a row of dolls, they sit in the clinic waiting room—a dozen or so 14- and 15-year-old girls—all dressed nearly identically in navy blue school uniforms. With the television blaring real-life…

Through the Eyes of Children

Twenty years ago, I put my camera away, suspending a photographic career I’d happily pursued for nearly a decade. I did this after publishing photos I’d taken in a Salvadoran war zone in 1983…

Teen Life

Category: "The Children" Teen Life In Latin America and the Caribbean What is life like for teens...

Reconfiguring Childhood

Children are a spur, a commitment, a way of imagining the future—but all too often these sorts of phrases just rattle around a vacuum, their utterance the beginning and end of the…

Poverty is not Destiny

A recent study by the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation (2001) made national headlines as it documented that Hispanic women had the highest dropout…

Photography and Citizenship

This photoessay examines how visual literacy might be used as a tool to prevent HIV/AIDS with at-risk children and youth in Brazilian juvenile centers. Visual literacy can be understood as the…

Of the People, By the People, For the People

The children gather around me in a circle on the floor. I show them the small silver tape recorder and microphone I had promised to bring to class in this most rural of communities in El Salvador…

Nós do Cinema

Half a dozen adolescents with indigenous features and urban garments entered the Rio movie theatre, peering curiously all around at the movie posters and filmgoers. This would be the first…

Linchamientos: ¿barbarie o justicia popular?

If you have stumbled on one of those news stories telling how an angry mob turned a suspected criminal into a human torch in Guatemala and wondered how such medieval violence can take…

Living on the Border

One out of every three children is an orphan here. The non-profit Proyecto Para Ninos Huerfanos, Inc. on the outskirts of Barahona, Dominican Republic, is both a street outreach…

The Promotion of Social Awareness

When picked on, some children choose to fight and others choose to walk away. What accounts for these different responses? This is just one of the many questions that Robert Selman, an…

Latinos and School Reform

Ricardo stood shocked. His teacher was telling him, “You should drop out of school and go back to the Dominican Republic because immigrants are taking American tax dollars.” An 11th-grade…

Journey of Remembrance

The Spanish-speaking immigrant children in northern Virginia busily draw what home looked like. Their vivid drawings give us a sense of the environment with which they feel comfortable, a…

Fostering Child Wellbeing

Children sleep and work on the streets of many countries in the Western Hemisphere. They die too young. Injuries to children—whether intentional or not—exceed those in much of the rest of…

Collaborating with Amigos del Aprendizaje

Three out of every 10 children that enroll in school in Costa Rica will drop out before completing primary school. Moreover, only two of those remaining seven children will graduate…

Children First in Peru?

In 2000, Save the Children Sweden (SCS) asked us to find children in the Peruvian public budget. At the end of a decade in which, according to the government, children would come first, this…

Children of the Favela

In Rio de Janeiro, I spent my time with children of the favela, both on the streets and at the community center Espaço Criança Esperança created by Viva Rio serving the Cantagalo…

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