Category: Access and Accountability

Capitalism in the Classrooms?

All over Latin America, for-profit private universities are flourishing. They range from excellent elite institutions in wealthy neighborhoods to so-called “garage universities” of uneven equality that teach varied trades and professions. However, Brazil’s strenuous exit test on completing…

Combating Inequity through Higher Education

Public and private sectors must form alliances in order to offer quality education for the majority of the population. Throughout the Americas, students have been protesting, particularly around the issue of burdensome student loans. In Canada, the United States…

Building Knowledge Economies in Central America

Universities have become essential to how countries develop economically. They promote information and communication technologies (ICT), health sciences and medical instrumentation, new crop seeds and modern agriculture and sciences in general. In short, they are…

In the Eye of the Beholder

It’s ridiculous to imagine that anyone would want poor quality from any product or service that they needed. So, not surprisingly, the many “consumers” of higher education want good, if not outstanding, quality as well. But what does that mean exactly? It’s relatively simple to…

Taking on the Challenges

English + Español
Higher education is a hot topic in Colombia. In 2011, students went on strike and into the streets to protest a proposed reform to the 20-year-old higher education law known as Law 30, saying that the changes would lead to the privatization of education./Durante el año 2011 la educación superior fue uno de los temas centrales de discusión en Colombia. Los dos años anteriores hubo controversias sobre el financiamiento de las universidades públicas y el acceso a préstamos subsidiados para estudiantes de bajos recursos que debían estudiar en instituciones privadas.

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