Author: Juana Garcia Duque

Peace Advancements and Challenges in Colombia

Speaking with Fabián Chaparro is like encountering optimism and a deep-rooted sense of hope. At 37, single, and having spent half his life in the guerrilla, Fabián dreamed of returning to the countryside near his family. His story, titled: Granja porcícola en Huila, ejemplo de emprendimiento liderado por un hombre invidente en reincorporación (Pig Farm in Huila: A Model of Entrepreneurship Led by a Visually Impaired Man in the Reincorporation Process,) eflects his journey.

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Pandemia Far from Home

English + Español
Coming to Harvard’s David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS) as the Santo Domingo Visiting Scholar has been one of the best experiences of my life. I encountered an absolutely challenging and inspiring environment, where one is always learning and…

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