Author: Roberto Gutiérrez

The Turkish Boat: A Child’s Viewpoint

English + Español
Toñito was the last child baptized in Father Eustaqui’s evangelizing campaign. The proof is that all his younger friends have names that are not Christian such as Bryan, Wilmer and Hayler. The Franciscan priests used to come by every year baptizing the babies and marrying their parents. They hadn’t returned since those lands of the Atrato River filled up with people from Medellín who initially set up …

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The Social Enterprise Knowledge Network

English + Español
In Colombia, a war-torn country with a civil society attempting to address the economic and social marginalization of many of its citizens, one is continually faced with unanswered questions. How does one create or revitalize programs that strike an adequate balance between the social and the economic? How does one ensure that social initiatives have economic viability, and that economic projects …

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