Category: The Past in the Present

Photojournalists in a Cauldron of Violence

His voice cracked and he fidgeted as he recounted the incident. He had raced out of his newspaper office to make photographs of yet another cadaver in the street. That’s part of his job…

A Nation at War with Itself

In January 1981 the U.S. Embassy in El Salvador headed by Robert White sent an urgent cable to the Department of State in Washington. The memo, labeled SECRET, alleged that the death…

Transitional Justice in El Salvador

On a warm morning in January 2016, in a small town far from the capital in El Salvador’s northern Morazan province, just off the shady central square, an extraordinary hearing is unfolding in a…

A Search for Justice in El Salvador

In the small rural town of Arcatao, Chalatenango, Rosa Rivera clung to the hope that one day she would find the remains of her disappeared mother and father and lay them to rest in peace…

The Convulsions of War

The impact of the 1980-1992 war in El Salvador is as profound as the Civil War’s impact on the United States…

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