Category: COVID January 2021

The Challenges

Going out every day to capture the best story or photo is challenging. Photographing in this period in which we are living, even knowing the risks we are taking, is being able to inform the population, through images, of the reality we are facing, but in the least painful…

Finally I Had My Happy Ending!

English + Español
It is highly unusual to see the word “happy” in an article about Covid-19. However, what I’m referring to here is the way in which Finsocial—our fintech company dedicated to consumer credit and…

Changemaking in Argentina with DRCLAS

English + Español
I was incredibly excited at the prospect of spending last summer in Buenos Aires. Streetside tango, huge murals and barbeques overflowing with fresh steak seemed to provide the perfect

Education and Post-pandemic Reconstruction

English + Español
As someone who has followed international education for decades, I’ve seen that few issues generate more consensus than the belief that education is crucial for development. No country has achieved significant economic, social and political progress without expanding and…

Conducting Virtual Research for Argentina

English + Español
It might not be the way most college sophomores spend their Friday nights. Whether it was a high-stakes game of Jenga or just listening to how someone’s day had gone, I found that my experience

Saying Goodbye in the Midst of a Pandemic

English + Español
The Covid-19 pandemic has posed an  enormous challenge, independently of one’s social group, playing havoc with many aspects of our lives, revealing the precariousness in which a great part of the world population lives, making visible the weaknesses in each country…

Vaccine Revolts

In the past eight months, conservative Brazilian politicians have invoked rights against public health mandates at least twice. In June, Congresswoman Carla Zambelli falsely claimed that a federal bill allowed “unconstitutional home invasions” to enforce mask usage inside…


During a month of self-confinement I managed to understand how fragile we can be and what my true priorities are: protecting my family and continuing photographic work more personal and introspective, hoping that what I have experienced now is a lesson for…


English + Español
The lockdown provoked by Covid-19 in Peru has left many people without an income, obliging tens of thousands of migrants in Lima to return home to their families in the Andes and the Amazon…

Forbidden Embrace

In 2020, the pandemic crisis has hit the Brazilian Amazon hard. Indigenous communities are particularly vulnerable to Covid-19 and its severe consequences, due to historical and socio-economic factors  aggravated by the persistence of colonial practices in their native…

A Reflection on the Impact of Covid-19 in Latin America

English + Español
At the beginning of April 2020, in the middle of lockdown, my friend and colleague, Manuel Alcántara, and I started to discuss the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic might have in Latin America…

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