Category: Indigenous Voices: Heritage

Blossoming Words

English + Español
Nawa Nika, or Nelita Rodríguez Campos (as she’s known in Spanish), gets up every morning very early to light the kitchen fire. Some fireflies still leave halos of light on the horizon and the stars are beginning to fade into morning.

Fruit and Axes of Gold: Consuming Indigenous Heritages in Nicaragua

Around the time I was born, the Oglala Lakota activist—at the time—associated with the American Indian Movement (AIM), Russell Means, visited Nicaragua and met with Indigenous peoples who had sided with the contras against the leftist Sandinista government.

A Tribute to Language and Love

Right now, some days ago, five hundred years ago, three hundred years ago, fifty years ago, thirty years ago, ten years ago, some days ago, Indigenous people have been killed.

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