Indigenous men and women wearing masks at the wake of Cacique Messias Martins


Perspectives in Times of Change

Photo by Lisette Morales McCabe

“Perspectives in Times of Change” reflects on social, economic, cultural and political transformations in these times of change in Latin America, the Caribbean and Latinx communities in the United States. The Spotlight is an outgrowth of the former Spotlight, Perspectives in the Era of Covid, which ran throughout the pandemic.

 If you would be interested in contributing articles or photographs, please contact June Carolyn Erlick,


Climate Crisis in the South of Brazil: A Foretold Catastrophe Amidst State Dismantling

Climate Crisis in the South of Brazil: A Foretold Catastrophe Amidst State Dismantling

The recent climate catastrophe in Porto Alegre and Rio Grande do Sul is a grim reminder of the urgent need to address the systemic dismantling of public structures. The neoliberal policies, fiscal austerity and the subsequent weakening of the state’s capacity have exacerbated the impact of extreme weather events, culminating in the devastating consequences of the floods of May 2024.

Women CEOs in Latin America: Overcoming obstacles, navigating through challenges

Women CEOs in Latin America: Overcoming obstacles, navigating through challenges

I first arrived in Latin America in 1997, and since then, I’ve been involved in education and the development of leadership and governance issues in the region. During these 27 years—12 of them from Spain—I have had the opportunity to interact with leaders from the region, the private and public sectors, multinationals and small and medium-sized enterprises, and various industries.

Safety For Whom? The Cost of El Salvador’s Latest Quest for Peace

Safety For Whom? The Cost of El Salvador’s Latest Quest for Peace

On January 3, 2024, El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele ordered the destruction of San Salvador’s Monument of Reconciliation, an enormous sculpture on the west side of the capital that had been inaugurated in 2017 under Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) President Salvador Sánchez Cerén. Intended to celebrate 25 years since the signing of the Peace Accords, which brought El Salvador’s civil war to an end, the monument featured two bronze figures—an FMLN fighter and a soldier with arms interlocked and releasing a flock of aluminum pigeons.

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