aerial view of the Amazon river

Territory Guarani

Spring 2015 | Volume XIV, Number 3

Table of Contents

Editor’s Letter →

by June Carolyn Erlick

First Take

Shaping Territories

Along Yvyrupa’s Paths

Along Yvyrupa’s Paths

English + Español
I started living with the Guarani in September 1978, after the inhabitants of a small village on the outskirts of São Paulo built a modest wooden room as their own school and had asked the…

Water and Environment

Beyond the Dam

Beyond the Dam

English + Español
The construction of the immense Yacyretá dam took place on a territory with a very powerful story. The transformation of the society and the environment of the place where it was built did…



English + Español
A hydroelectric plant is about much more than water and energy. It is about community and environment, urban planning and resource development. It is…

Y marane’ÿ rekávo

Y marane’ÿ rekávo

English + Español
It is not only the earth that is filled with impurities. So is the water. Lifeless waters extend throughout the earth, and not only on its surface. Like cholesterol-clogged…

Arts, Language and Culture

Animating Peripheries

Animating Peripheries

English + Español
The Museo del Barro in Asunción immerses the visitor in a collection of images and objects, often in a somewhat disordered fashion, not all categorized or…

Guarani in Film

Guarani in Film

English + Español
The first film spoken in Guarani I ever saw was from the United States. It was the movie Jesus (1979), co-directed by Peter Skyes and John Krish, dubbed into…

Chamamé for Dummies

Chamamé for Dummies

English + Español
There is a traditional Andalusian dance, the vito, inspired by the “St. Vitus dance,” a name given to Huntington’s disease for centuries. Symptoms of this disease…

History: Jesuits and Beyond

Transformed Worlds

Transformed Worlds

In 1610, a small group of Jesuits began what would become known as one of the largest indigenous evangelism experiences in colonial America. The effort began…

Guaranis and Jesuits

Guaranis and Jesuits

The territory we currently identify as “Guarani” is presently divided between Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Although this partition of a community…

Building Bridges

History and Myth, in memoriam

by Milda Rivarola

Book Talk

Cosmopolitan Desires

Cosmopolitan Desires

In January 2015, shortly after terrorist attacks in Paris, the slogan “Je suis Charlie” began to circulate on Twitter and to appear on demonstrators’ signs in Paris and…

to the